Learning Everest Private Limited.
“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”, Newton’s third law of motion. Now think ofthis law in your organization. When people engage in racist actions, it has its reaction onrisking employee well-being, a safer work environment and even causes financial losses.There is a need to keep the conversation about racism going to reduce and remove racism.
How can we bring change to our workplace and change the mindset of those being racist?Are employees participating in racism but unaware of doing so? How can we support victimsof racist behavior as an organization? With this Anti-Racism Training, learners will be able torethink how racism functions and take a step towards reinforcing change.
They will get adeeper understanding of what racism is, the various ways in which it functions, ways in whichone unconsciously exhibit biased behavior, how microaggressions occur in dailyconversations, and how to be an ally for anti-racism. Creating a diverse workforce isincomplete without efforts of inclusion to make all employees feel welcome. Train youremployees on anti-racism to bring inclusivity and change to the workplace.
Action Plan
This course is intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as working professionals from all streams/departments/functions.